Product & integrations: Fejron

Products and integrations for several APIs.

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22 API connections

3 payment platforms

A Market Leading Portfolio Monitoring Service

Founded with a vision for innovation in the fintech realm, Fejron is a frontrunner within Portfolio Monitoring Services. The core mission is to empower active investors with unparalleled real-time insights into their portfolio companies, ensuring clarity and precision in a data-driven world. Key Features: Direct Access to Real-time Data, Custom Analyses and Quality Assured KPIs, and decreased admin with more efficient reporting.

A Plethora of Data Sources

Fejron’s product requires seamless integrations to transfer both financial and operational data from the portfolio company. Here at Plingot, we have set up all the integrations with most of the larger ERP systems, Klarna Kosma, Stripe, and many more. We have also built large parts of Fejron’s interface.

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We are a team of developers with long and broad experience. Complicated problems are what get us up in the morning - we're passionate about challenges and not afraid to constantly raise the bar.

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